Thursday, October 31, 2019

REASON.ORG Says Parents Shpould have the Money For Public School. But How? Without Florida Direct Ballot Parent Trigger Spreading Nationwide?


Why we should send education dollars directly to schools


Ask an education expert about school finance and they’ll likely give an opinion about whether there’s enough funding. But two new studies suggest that another issue deserves attention: Who gets to decide how $694 billion is spent on public education each year?  
A recent survey by Pew Research Center gauged Americans’ perceptions about eight groups of leaders including legislators, journalists and tech executives, and the results paint a gloomy picture. For example, 81 percent responded that members of Congress act unethically, and fewer than half indicated that journalists cover all sides of an issue fairly. 
But America’s trust in institutions isn’t entirely broken. Public school principals shined brightly, with the vast majority of respondents indicating that principals care about students and provide the public with fair and accurate information. Most importantly, more than eight in 10 believe that principals handle resources responsibly; local elected officials and members of Congress ranked at the bottom of the list.
Surely, this is great news — but there’s a catch. Although the public trusts principals, they don’t give them much power. Principals control only a fraction of education dollars. Most spending decisions are made by district officials and legislators. 
new study by researchers at American Institute for Research and the U.S. Department of Education drives home this reality, finding that, in the districts examined, schools have discretion over a paltry 8 percent of operational spending. Decisions over things such as hiring, curricula and contracted services are made by those furthest removed from students. This is especially worrisome since research also suggests that limiting school-level autonomy over spending decisions creates inefficiencies. As one principal puts it, “I know what’s best for my school because I’m in the school.”
So what can be done to push funding decisions to those closest to kids? Here’s a bold idea for state policymakers: send education dollars directly to schools. 
Currently, education dollars are funneled through districts, which then dole out staffing positions and other resources based largely on one-size-fits-all models. Not only does this approach to funding restrict local autonomy, but it often creates funding inequities since it fails to account for salary differences across schools. Sending dollars directly to schools would solve both of these problems by empowering principals with spending decisions and ensuring that funds reach the students they’re intended for. 
Some districts in cities such as Indianapolis, Boston and Denver have taken positive steps toward putting principals in the driver’s seat by adopting student-based allocation systems that give  schools more financial autonomy. While this is encouraging — under this model principals typically have discretion over roughly 45 percent of operating dollars — the overwhelming majority of districts are reluctant to move in this direction, thanks in large part to bureaucratic inertia, local politics and restrictive collective bargaining agreements.
The fact is, most districts can’t be counted on to give principals the discretion needed to align spending with school needs. 
Surely, going around the district-middleman will strike some as a radical idea, but it isn’t. Most principals in private schools and charters have this level of financial autonomy, and districts largely have failed to address funding disparities across schools. It would, however, require a radical re-examination of districts’ role in public education. Central offices still could support schools with services such as transportation, payroll and technology while superintendents and other leaders still could serve in supervisory and coaching capacities. 
For their part, school board trustees could focus more on compliance, accountability and capital needs, rather than school operations, about which they often know little. But principals finally would be the CEOs of their schools, rather than the middle managers they’re often treated as. 
To be sure, sending dollars directly to schools could present legal challenges in some states and teachers’ unions undoubtedly would fight to protect the status quo. That’s why policymakers might start by sending just a portion of operating dollars directly into principal empowerment accounts that principals control. Companies have developed technology to make implementation easy and several states have similar programs for families, often called education savings accounts. A great time for policymakers to pursue this type of policy innovation is when new dollars are injected into education systems, which many states currently are doing.  
It’s clear that Americans trust principals to do what’s best for kids — and it’s time for policymakers to do the same. 
Aaron Garth Smith is director of education reform at Reason Foundation, a nonprofit policy group advancing free markets. He previously was senior director of analytics at YES Prep Public Charter Schools, a charter management organization serving over 12,000 students in Houston. Follow him on Twitter @AaronGarthSmith.

Monday, October 14, 2019

To Fix America Parents Must First Take Back Their Public Schools . No DuH! Really

What are you going to do about it? Log on

Most Socialists are between the ages of 25-40 in the United States. They will be having little tyrants soon, who will be the American socialists of tomorrow. The moral of the story: Nobody knows as much as you think they do. Nobody cares as much as you think they do. Nothing really changes as much as you think they do. It just gets less important as didn't think would.


- The Washington Times - Saturday, August 31, 2019
The fact that socialists are openly running for public office in America — that socialists actually hold public office in Congress — should serve as enough wakeup call that the nation’s moral and political compasses are skewed, in dire need of correcting.
That it doesn’t only screams this: America’s public school systems have become utter failures.
So the one thing patriots in this country should throw all their efforts into right now is taking back the schools from the far-leftists who’ve been able to dominate the direction of administration and teaching in recent years.
Look at America’s schools in years past versus years present.
“As recently as 20 years ago, the United States was ranked No. 1 in high school and college education,” Jon Guttman, a research director for the World History Group wrote at History Net. “In 2009, the United States was ranked 18th out of 36 industrialized nations. Over that time, complacency and inefficiency, reflective of lower priorities in education, and inconsistencies among the various school systems contribute to a decline.”

Between 1950 and 2009, the student population of America’s public schools grew by 96%. The growth in teachers during that same time was 252%. But the growth of administrators and other office staffers? That jumped 702%, American Enterprise Institute reported.
“America’s public schools are bloated with bureaucracy and skinny on results,” wrote Benjamin Scafidi at The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice.
Oh so true.
Whereas one school, one principal used to be the norm, nowadays that same size school employs one principal, multiple assistant principals. numerous assistants to the assistant principals and principals — along with all the accompanying office staff. That doesn’t even get to the guidance department, where ridiculously large numbers of guidance personnel are needed just to keep up with all the new social justice, diversity, tolerance and anti-bullying campaigns that pass as education, occupying school hours that could be better spent — that used to be spent — on math, history, science and the like.
Your tax dollars at work.
But let’s not forget the creation of the biggest bureaucratic bloated float of them all, the Department of Education, where teachers’ rights and union dollars take precedence over students’ achievement and real learning. Where the rights of the parents to control their children’s upbringing and education become subservient to the will of the government to train in the proper propaganda way. Your Jimmy Carter at work.
And this is what the government’s training has brought.
“Arlington Public Schools quietly push transgender policies despite parent opposition,” ran one Washington Examiner headline in May.
Another, from USA Today, from just a few days ago: “My daughter thinks she’s transgender. Her public school undermined my efforts to help her.”
There’s more, much more.
“The Racist Beginnings of Standardized Testing,” the National Education Association posited in a headline from 2018.
“How Black Lives Matter is moving into the schools,” The New York Post reported, just this week.
“Florida teacher reportedly banned students from wearing crosses,” The Blaze wrote in 2017, about a lawsuit that had brewed on behalf of alleged persecuted Christian students.
“Public Schools Teaching American Kids that Socialism is Better than Capitalism,” wrote Jeremiah Poff on in May.
That one explains today’s political climate — yes?
But really, the transgender fight alone should fuel patriots in general, and Christians in particular, to sit up, stand up and shout out: No. Not in my backyard.
Not in my school is a boy who suddenly decides he’s a girl going to go into my daughter’s locker room and change alongside her.
Not in my school is my daughter going to be accused of hate speech for protesting the intrusion of privacy — the perverted intrusion of privacy.
And when the schools won’t listen? 
Throw the bums out. Run for School Board. Take over the local education system and dominate the discussions.
Set the policies, quiet the radical clowns, hush the petulant sue-happy special interests.
Send the crazies back to crazy town.
That right there is the single most effective action Christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, patriots and traditionalists can take right now to right this teetering ship called Public Schools — and, in the long term, to bring back some sense and solid constitutional grounding to our entire political structure.
As Vladimir Lenin reportedly said, it only takes one generation of youth to transform the world.
The left, in America, has had its generation. It’s time to take back and teach right.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley.